Thursday, March 4, 2010


My sons and I read in Proverbs 1: 1,4, "The proverbs of Solomon... (to give) to the young man knowledge and discretion." I asked my sons why they thought God wanted young men to learn God's wisdom - why not older men who would be better able to understand? I believe part of the reason has to do with human brain development. This is just my opinion - I am not an expert.

One study states, "the greatest changes to the parts of the brain that are responsible for functions such as self-control, judgment, emotions, and organization occur between puberty and adulthood... Kids who 'exercise' their brains by learning to order their thoughts, understand abstract concepts, and control their impulses are laying the neural foundations that will serve them for the rest of their lives." (Adolescent Brain Development, ACT for Youth, Upstate Center for Excellence, Cornell University, May 2002)

As our children enter adolescence, we need to encourage and guide them as they exercise their independent thinking. They are learning to order their own thoughts and control their impulses. They are forming neural connections that will become their habits.  My oldest child is 11 and just entering this stage. I have started talking with my sons about how God and the bible relate to their own thoughts and feelings. I am asking them to go beyond just being obedient - I am asking them to make their own decisions about serving God. With the Lord's help, I am doing my best to instruct my sons in the way they should go.

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